A single player game where strategy meets psychological horror. Confined to one room, you’ll use cameras and commands to direct NPC investigators and collect evidence.
1040 unique high quality round rune and token icons, perfect for adding a touch of mysticism and magic to your game or project.
A dynamic game world heavily simulated with hundreds of spells and combinations to push back the invading chaos https://wrathofentropy.com
A utility application for loading and sharing custom balls for the game Premium Bowling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbykwmJc2jQ
Sound Design through the use of hardware modular and and software synthesis https://soundcloud.com/s3rraph
Design modules, semantics, and board files. Ready for pcb fabrication. Specialization in hardware synthesizers.
Using low latency loop back to control a customizable Realtime Audio Visualization
A group of dedicated individuals that love creating things together.
Produce fun, exciting technology to solve problems and create solutions
To one day make this a reality